Special Orders

Looking for something, and you cannot find it?

Ask, and we will do our best to locate the item from one of our suppliers.

Did you see something last week, and we have sold out?
Ask, and we will do our best to reorder the item from our supplier.

Items will not be ordered until confirmation that the item is available and

  • the customer is satisfied with the delivery date.
  • the customer is satisfied with the price of the goods
  • the customer has paid a minimum 50% non-refundable deposit on the order

Special orders will become layby, and all terms and conditions of a layby will apply to the special order.

Contact Details

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns. Our contact details are as follows:

0429 864 823


296 Raymond Street, Sale Victoria 3850

You can also contact us through the feedback form on our Site.

Effective Date: 1st Day of January 2025 

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